While Carl and Virginia believed that emotional suppression is both the cause as well as the effect of problems in family, former thought self fulfillment depends on family cohesiveness whereas later believed importance of communication to solve problem in families.
Carl's approach was more pragmatic. He believes that theory often works more negatively than positively. A therapist should be open to first establish a relationship with client which is more important than confining to a theory which reduces the anxiety of therapist while dealing with a client. This therapy believes that each family has the right to be themselves, family is an integrated whole rather collection of individuals and family togetherness and cohesion are associated with personal growth. This is a bold approach with lots of creativity and importance being on genuineness.
Reason behind actions :
1. to express one's own individuality, express oneself freely
2. be autonomous as well a feel one with family
3. have intimacy
4. self actualization
Where comes trouble :
problem in family arises from lack of family cohesiveness, lack of emotional closeness and sharing among family members. the needs of the family may be suppressing the rights of the individual. personal choice being compromised. family undergoing societal pressures and often use unhealthy methods to maintain family peace.
1. Promote growth, change, creativity, flexibility, spontaneity, and playfulness
2. Make the covert overt
3. Increase the emotional closeness of spouses and disrupt rigidity
4. Unlock defenses, enhance self-esteem, and recover potential for experiencing
5. Enhance individuation
Therapist Role
Active and directive, personal involvement, help family members open up and be themselves by freely experiencing what they think and feel, uses here and now technique, unmask family secrets and aim higher intimacy. Teach family members effective ways of communication.
engagement, involvement and disentanglement
presence of co therapist to improve objectivity, open room therapy, bring the family to the emotional stress and intensify the emotional climate and ease the turmoil through coaching them. to facilitate the process between each members in family in non defensive way. sculpting, Choreography, Conjoint family drawing, Role playing, Use of humor, Puppet interviews, Reconstruction, Sharing feelings and creating an emotionally intense atmosphere, Modeling and teaching clear communication skills (Use of “I” messages) Challenge, use of self.
Honest emotion
Suppress repression
Family myths
Communication concepts
Being irrelevant/irreverent
Being super reasonable
Battle for structure
Battle for initiative
Limitations : unstructured approach solely based on the therapists ability to handle families through intense emotional climate thus making it difficult to train others in the same area. Not recommended for fragile families. More towards quality of life rather alleviating symptoms.