Monday, May 5, 2014

Conjoint family therapy - Virginia Satir

"event never determines your fate, its the coping with the event " - Satir

Satir's approach to family problem is that the real issue is not the issue itself but the way the person deals with it.

1. Conceptual Framework of Satir's Approach / Assumptions

2. Theories and concepts :

a. Dysfunctional Communication
b. meta Communication
c. Double bind message
d. family rules and roles
e. Family myths and secrets
f. in-congruent communication messages

3. Goals of Therapy

4. Role of Therapist

5. Process

6. Tools and Techniques

a. Family Sculpture
b. Family metaphor
c. Family Drama
d. Reframing/Relabelling
e. humor
f. touch
g. communication stances
h. Family stress ballet
i. Ropes as therapeutic tool
g. Anatomy of a relationship
h. Family Reconstruction


Very important resource -