Monday, August 11, 2014

Day 10

Took ASWB practice test..... scored 96/170...passing score is above 100/ the most important thing about preparing for exam is to finish all your study before 2 weeks and then start doing only practice test for next two weeks. You'll  be surprised to find out how much you missed on the way to preparation and the trend to conquer the exam.

1. you will be confused in finding answer for something you already know. eg: you might know the developmental stages in erickson's theory but if asked what is the third stage of the theory and given choices will confuse you in the best way. So revising your factual information after taking each single test will help you retain concepts and be confident of direct answers you can score for sure in the exam.

2. ethics is most important in leading you to decide choosing best answer while answering each question. revise ethics every time. You will not regret.

3. Note down the answers and read on the topic. It helps more than memorizing

4. always spend time on rationale. this will help you to see questions from right perspective.

Concepts to brush through after taking the first set of practice exams:

  1. Navajo community and social work issues with service delivery?
  2. supervision
  3. differences in concepts defense mechanism and  transference and counter transference
  4. group types and selection criteria
  5. reporting procedure in abuse
  6. communication in social work
  7. program evaluation steps and types
  8. social policy analysis steps
  9. working in a team
  10. differential diagnosis of anxiety and mood disorders                                                                                         
  11. abuser victim relationship
  12. difference in withdrawal symptoms of various drugs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  13. what is privileged communication : can be broken at certain exceptional situations ref : the practice of social work by charles zastrow pg: 44                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
  14. confidentiality related to HIV : name associated testing and anonymous testing : the former involves identity and later involves no identification using a code word or number where names are neither mentioned nor recorded , reporting issues, psychoeducation. same book above . pg : 46... likely to be tested                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  15. State regulations pertaining to clinical records (NJ) : this link also contains several other state regulated activities for Social Workers, this can help those in NJ. Others try to find similar document from your respective state websites.also include: age for minority in various state                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
The social worker shall retain the permanent client record for at least seven years from the date of the last entry, unless otherwise provided by law, or in the case of a minor, until age 25.

This should give you an idea of how you can approach test in one way.

1 comment:

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