1. From a developmental perspective, the
process of accommodation involves:
a. development
arising from a drive toward cognitive equilibrium
b. actively
constructing knowledge through interactions with the environment
c modifying existing schemes to incorporate new knowledge
d incorporating new knowledge into existing cognitive
structures or schemes
2. An infant who has lived with a foster care family
since shortly after his birth is adopted at age 12 months. This child is MOST
likely to exhibit which of the following after he is adopted?
a. no short-term or long-term negative effects
b. feeding and sleeping problems and social withdrawal
c. persistent attachment deficits
d. hyperactivity and learning difficulties when he reaches
school age
3. According to Minuchin, a “psychosomatic” family, such
as one in which a child has anorexia, is typically characterized by:
A chronic expression of hostility and conflict
B weak boundaries within the family and low opportunity for
C stereotyped and
inflexible family roles
D stereotyped and
inflexible family roles
4. A girl shows a
greater capacity for logical thinking, is able to adopt someone else’s point of
view, and begins to solve conservation problems. According to Piaget, what
stage of cognitive development is this girl in?
a. sensorimotor
b. concrete operational
c. formal operational
d preoperational
5. When a person has
an asthma attack, the muscles of the walls of his bronchi contract, making it difficult to breathe.
Which nervous system triggers this response?
b. sympathetic
c. parasympathetic
d. autonomic
6. A patient’s cousin recently died of a heart attack.
The patient, although healthy, has begun having chest pains. What defense
mechanism is this?
b. projection
c. intellectualization
d. reaction formation
7. According the
Albert Ellis, the founder of rational emotive therapy, dysfunctional behaviors:
a. stem from core schemas and the automatic thoughts they
b. stem
from irrational thoughts and beliefs
c. stem
from the adoption of a “failure identity”
d stem
from a lack of “awareness”
8. A client diagnosed with cancer a year ago underwent
chemotherapy at the local hospital, which always made her feel nauseated. The
client’s cancer is in remission and she is done with her chemotherapy
treatment, but every time she visits the hospital, she begins to feel nauseated
again. The situation illustrates:
b. negative punishment
c. classical conditioning
d. operant conditioning
Which of the following is true about children’s play behavior?
a. play helps children master their environment
b. cooperative play usually begins at about 5 years of age
c. solitary play is solely a form of entertainment and does not
contribute to development
d rough-housing should be discouraged because it promotes
aggressive behavior
10. Cultural values
are part of the:
a. id
b. ego
c. superego
11. A teenage girl is reprimanded by her chemistry teacher for
failing to do her homework the night before. The girl is upset by this because
she is a good student who has never misbehaved but she accepts the criticism
without responding to it. Later that day she yells at her younger brother when
he enters her bedroom while she is doing her homework. She rarely yells at her brother.
Her behavior illustrates which of the following
A Projection
B. Displacement
D. Reaction Formation
12. A client has acrophobia and therefore has a severe
dread of high places. While not necessarily a severe disability, the inability
to tolerate heights does restrict the client's ability to seek employment in
multi story office buildings or to meet with clients in some settings. To help
the client overcome his fears, the worker decides to accompany the client to
the top of a high building. This treatment is called :
A. desensitization.
B. flooding.
C. acting-out.
D. reinforcement
Sensory-motor skills and behavior of early infant development include
A. toilet training.
B. practice and mastery.
C. crawling and walking.
D. rooting and sucking.
14.The treatment approach in which the client's
dysfunctional behavior is corrected through the use of learning theory is
A. client-centered therapy.
B. transactional analysis.
C. behavior modification therapy.
D. social learning
15 When a client unconsciously attributes elements of
the experiences of a former relationship to a new relationship this mechanism
is known as
A. transference.
B. projection.
C. abreaction.
D. sublimation.
16. The most important factor in planning for a child
who is separated from the mother is the
A. child's health.
B. duration of the separation.
C. mother's reaction.
D.mother’s mental health
17. Mrs. Ruff cannot allow herself to express her anger
with her husband, so she explodes with her son. The defense mechanism that is
operating is
A. displacement.
B. projection.
C. reaction-formation.
D. denial.
18. Sue works in manufacturing and has romantic feelings for a co-worker,
Jerry. One day Sue reported Jerry to the Human Resources Department claiming
that Jerry was making sexual advances toward her. After careful investigation,
there was no evidence found to suggest that Sue’s allegations were true. Which
of the following best describes Sue’s actions?
D.Denial Mirroring
19. 3.A primary
distinction between Freud and those psychologists who are collectively
identified as "neo-Freudians" (e.g., Fromm, Horney, and Sullivan) is
that the latter:
A.emphasized the “innate wisdom” of the individual
B.placed greater emphasis on the ego functions and the
impact of social influences
C.extended the number of and placed greater emphasis on
instinctual (unconscious) forces
D.adopted a teleogical approach that viewed behavior as
being “pulled” rather than pushed.
20. Ann Marie was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She
immediately began to learn everything she could about the illness: reading
books, journal articles, and the latest experimental research. Ann Marie’s
response to her diagnosis is representative of which defense mechanism?
B. Regression
D. sublimation
21. In any group, the
most popular child (in terms of birth order) is most likely to be the
A Youngest
B Smartest
C Middle
D Oldest
22. In Pavlov’s
classic experiment with dogs, the meat powder was the:
A.unconditioned response
B.unconditioned stimulus
C.conditioned stimulus
D.conditioned response
being separated from her mom for 5 days, the baby shows DISORGANIZED ATTACHMENT
behavior at the caregiver’s return. How can her behavior be more closely
A. The baby seems confused,may physically approach the mother
but not look at her.
B. The baby uses the mother as a secure base which to explore
the environment
C. The baby ignores the caregiver, avoids direct contact
D.The baby resists the caregiver, perhaps kicks and pushes away.
24. A child plays beside others and mimics their play but
does not interact with the others. How is this called?
A.Solitary play
B.Associative play
C. Unoccupied play
D. Parallel play
25. H.F. Harlow looked at the bonding
process or contact comfort using infant monkeys and cloth substitute mothers.
What statement about this experiment is incorrect out of the following ones?
A The fact that the mother provided food
was enough to establish attachment
B.The researchers discovered that these
infant monkeys became attached to terry cloth mothers.
C.They preferred artificial mothers that
rocked over ones that did not move.
D.The fact that the mother provided food was neither necessary nor
enough to establish
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